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13/2/02 Gli schiaffoni di Arafat, con contorno di pistola
Arafat ha schiaffeggiato Jibril Rajub, capo dei servizi di sicurezza nella cisgiordania

Durante un incontro del governo palestinese a Ramallah, Yasser Arafat ha schiaffeggiato Jibril Rajub, capo dei servizi di sicurezza nella cisgiordania che criticava le sue decisioni, poi ha tirato fuori una pistola con cui lo ha minacciato.

Episodio molto emblematico dello stato terrorista che Arafat sta costruendo.

Siamo curiosi di vedere come lo racconteranno i media italiani.

01:55 Wednesday February 13, 2002

Arafat pulls gun on Rajoub

By Itim

JERUSALEM (February 13) - Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat aimed a handgun at West Bank Preventive Security Service chief Jabril Rajoub during a tense meeting on Monday, Palestinian sources reported yesterday.

Sources said Arafat became enraged when Rajoub suggested Arafat can no longer control his people, after a series of incidents in which Palestinian mobs forced jailors to release terrorists from their prison cells.

Arafat was also furious that Rajoub had told reporters Arafat would order Fatah's Aksa Martyrs' Brigades to lay down their weapons.

Yesterday, senior opposition sources in the Gaza Strip reported Arafat ordered local Fatah members to disarm the rival factions - Hamas and Islamic Jihad and even some elements within Fatah - that are overpowering the PA-based bodies in the Gaza Strip.

Arafat convened Palestinian leaders for a meeting last week and asked them to order their activists not to commit any terrorist attacks during Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's official visit to the United States, in light of the US's recent staunch support of Israel's retaliatory moves in the territories.

They told Arafat he would first have to prevent Fatah from carrying out such attacks, sources said.

Arafat responded by calling members of Fatah's supreme committee and PA Preventive Security Service heads - including Rajoub and West Bank General Intelligence chief Tawfik Tirawi - for a meeting on Saturday.

At the meeting they discussed the future of the Aksa Martyrs' Brigades' role in the "armed struggle," as well as the possibility of converting Hamas and Islamic Jihad into exclusively non-military political bodies, internal power struggles within Fatah, corruption in the PA, and a state of lawlessness in PA areas that some described as "a lawless jungle."

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