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ANSA Rassegna Stampa
14.11.2005 Se l'autodifesa diventa un'esecuzione
una notizia data scorrettamente dall'agenzia stampa

Testata: ANSA
Data: 14 novembre 2005
Pagina: 1
Autore: la redazione
Titolo: «Mo: ucciso capo militare di Hamas Durante un raid israeliano»
Una Notizia fornita da ANSA:

Mo: ucciso capo militare di Hamas Durante un raid israeliano

(ANSA) - NABLUS, 14 NOV - Un capo militare di Hamas a Nablus e' stato ucciso in un raid israeliano nella stessa cittadina della Cisgiordania. Lo riferiscono all'Afp fonti della sicurezza palestinese. Amjan Hanawi, 35 anni, era il capo delle Brigate Ezzedine Al Qassam, braccio armato del movimento integralista islamico. Amjan Hanawi aveva tentato di rifugiarsi in un'abitazione nella zona orientale di Nablus poi circondata dai militari israeliani.
Il lancio mira a far credere che i soldati Israeliani abbiano braccato un fuggitivo fin dentro un'abitazione dove egli aveva trovato rifugio e che abbiano poi compiuto un'esecuzione .

Le cose invece sono andate molto diversamente!

Il nascondiglio segreto del terrorista Amjan Hanawi e dei suoi familiari è stato individuato dall'Intelligenge Israeliana ( dopo che L'Autorità Palestinese non aveva mosso un dito) , le forze di polizia hanno completamente circondato l'abitazione e hanno chiesto agli occupanti di uscire e di arrendersi.
Immediatamente i familiari del terrorista si sono arresi ,mentre Hanawi è rimasto barricato in casa ; passati pochi minuti il terrorista è balzato fuori dal suo nascondiglio correndo all'impazzata e sparando anche diversi colpi col proprio kalashnikov.In una situazione del genere, tutte le forze di polizia del mondo hanno regole di ingaggio molto chiare e sparano.

La notizia è fornita in modo corretto da Ha'aretz

Last update - 12:17 14/11/2005

Hamas vows to avenge death of West Bank warlord

By Nir Hasson, Haaretz Correspondent, Haaretz Service and agencies

Hamas militants vowed revenge on Monday after Israel Defense Forces troops shot dead the group's top commander in the northern West Bank.

Amjad Hanawi, 34, was killed in a pre-dawn arrest raid at his home in Nablus.

In Gaza, meanwhile, a gunman was killed and two wounded near the border fence with Israel, where they had apparently intnded an attack with rocket-propelled grenades.


Hamas' military wing, Izzedine al Qassam, said in a statement faxed to the Associated Press that "the painful retaliation of Al Qassam is coming."

"We say to the Zionists that you are going to pay the price," the statement said.

"You will regret each drop of blood you shed."

An IDF force of paratroops, police anti-terror teams, and members of the elite Duvdevan and Haruv units carried out the raid, aimed at locating and arresting militants in the area.

More than a dozen explosions and several exchanges of fire were heard as soldiers in 15 jeeps raided an eastern part of Nablus and arrested eight suspected Hamas members and three more in other areas of the West Bank.

Witnesses said Hanawi had been shot while trying to flee the troops, and had sustained a head wound at close range. An AK-47 and a pistol were found on his body.

Hanawi is believed to have mastermided several suicide bombings in Israel in the 1990s.

Neighbors said the soldiers who raided the area first ordered Hanawi's family out of the house. While most members came out of the house, Hanawi refused the order and tried to escape. He was shot as he tried to
climb a fence.

Hamas members then drove through the streets of Nablus, announcing Hanawi's death over loudspeakers. A funeral was planned later on Monday morning.

The army declined direct comment. But military officials confirmed there
had been an arrest raid in Nablus overnight, and that one person opened fire on troops and tried to escape before being shot.

Israel has conducted raids against hideouts of commanders of armed groups on nearly a nightly basis since a suicide bombing late last month killed six Israelis in an open-air market in the town of Hadera.

A number of commanders have been killed, prompting vows of vengeance from the targeted groups, in particular the Islamic Jihad and Hamas.

Palestinians have strongly criticized the IDF raids and assassination operations, saying that they have foiled PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas' efforts to seek promises of calm from the armed organizations.

Gunman killed near Gaza border fence
Also in the pre-dawn hours, IDF Givati infantry troops killed a Palestinian gunman and wounded two others within the Gaza Strip about 100 meters from the security fence that separates the Strip from the western Negev near the Karni crossing.

Palestinian police who arrived at the area found the three lying at the site, and, at their side, AK-47 assault rifles, rocket-propelled grenades, and two RPG launchers.

On Sunday night, the IDF stepped up its retaliatory measures against Qassam rocket fire from the Gaza Strip into Israel, firing several salvos of artillery shells on rocket launching zones in the Strip.

Earlier on Friday, a Qassam rocket landed near the security fence along the northern Gaza border, causing no casualties or damage. The IDF reported its artillery units fired ten salvos of shells into the suspected launching zones during Sunday evening.

Sources in the IDF said the fire was decided on "because the Palestinians must understand that we will not tolerate rocket fire."

"Our response will be exaggerated and disproportionate to the [Palestinian] fire," a senior source in the IDF recently said. The IDF's response would strengthen of the rocket fire continued, the source said.
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